Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Selling Holley Carburetors

Over the years I have sold thousands of Holley Carburetors. Inevitably some would be returned as "alleged" defectives. Usually this meant that the customer didn't know how to properly install the thing. I got used to explaining the proper installation procedure every time I received the call.
need racing and tuning tips?  CLICK HERE
"Did you check for vaccuum leaks?"
That eliminated about 40% of the problems.
"Did you set the fuel bowl level?"
That eliminated another 40%.
"Did you install a new in-line fuel filter?"
That eliminated most of the rest.
But on one particularly hot summer day I received a call about an "alleged" defective carburetor that perplexed me for a few seconds until I realized the significance of the callers question.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Racers: Are you always looking for that little edge?

I stumbled across a little website that has a ton of info available for racers. There are a bunch of technical items including Air Flow, Reading Spark Plugs, Engine Building, Head Porting and Cheating. There is plenty of information on Getting and Maintaining Sponsors and Sponsorship Programs. And there are all sorts of Driving Tips. Things that will make you a better driver, better owner and better builder.
I think we all are looking for any tips that will give us a little edge and this information might be just what you need.
You can CLICK HERE to get it!
Good Luck and Happy Motoring!

as always, please send your comments.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Circa 1980 ish.
When he came into the store he looked normal. But looks can be deceiving. He was young, maybe 17, and he wanted his car to have a little more sound. Ford Maverick six cylinder.
"What you need," I said, "is a Thrush Muffler! It'll make that engine really sing!"
He bought it and he was another satisfied customer.
One week later he returned. I could see the outline of our sales slip in his white shirt pocket.
"Excuse me, sir" He stammered, "I don't know if you remember me?"
But I did.